Defeated by Book

2023 February 24

Read in 2 minutes

Whatever praise you might have gleaned from my talking about the first book isn’t enough to overcome my disappointment. I’ve now given up on reading the second book, The Veil of a Thousand Tears, it’s got all the faults of the first book and more. Especially disappointing because it means I’m giving away a beautiful hardcover copy of the third book I received as a Christmas gift because I can’t stand more of this writing.


Not going to be fact checking myself at all in any of these sections, most of this is on my gut feeling of disgust with the writing. I still appreciate the journey the main character has but more and more chapters went into the perspective of others that fell flat to me.

Really Long Repetitive Names

For whatever reason he decided to write a ton of names with triple letters and then in the appendix say they are read as a w sound and then the actual letter i.e. ‘ggg’ would be pronounced as if ‘wg’ was written. Just write it that way in the first place! Other characters had part of their name be a title of sorts and every. single. time. their name is written it’s included. The pages are so bloated with wasteful lettering that distracts from what little content there was to receive of the plot.

Good Riddance

Spent half of this day off reading some of the second book and while I wouldn’t really call it a waste as an experience, it certainly isn’t a pleasant one. When another book attempts to waste this much time of mine again I’ll give up much sooner. Maybe I’ll even remember to read the first book of a series before buying all three cause whatever price they paid to gift me the third book from my Christmas list was not worth it. I hope your day can be better then mine. Do something you enjoy and don’t feel as much grief as I do giving away something that makes you feel bad in and of itself.