Greetings from My Phone

2024 January 17

Read in 1 minutes

I am struggling, but I’m hopeful thanks to the progress I’ve made today.

The Programming

I setup the terminal and coding ability on my phone awhile ago now. If the rest of this works, I need to learn how to alias commands as well as figure out which ones I will be using the most.

The Writing

Two main problems I need to solve with the input of this text.

  1. I’m currently using nano to write this and I’m not convinced I like it. Mostly convinced that I don’t.
  2. Hugo won’t create new content on Android as far as I can tell. Might be able to downgrade to work around. The worst would be if I had to try and commit a change to Hugo.

Manual Work

I have learned how to use the terminal to generate the ISO 8601 standard date-time I use for each of these posts.

Before I do another post, I will need to create some command aliases or some other way to simplify the repetitive tasks needed for each new post. I will also be grabbing emacs or others to try out different ways to edit text files.